A guide to planning a surprise birthday party

Published on by Sarah-Beth Watkins

Are you planning a surprise birthday party for a special friend or partner? There’s lots to consider from venue to food. We have to look at things to remember when organising a surprise party celebration. This article explains how to plan a surprise birthday party.

Decide on your venue

The venue for private parties is of key importance when you are planning your surprise birthday events. It needs to be fairly local if you are to get the person there under another pretext. Friends and family also need to be able to get there easily. Have a look on the Internet and in the phonebook for local venues to check out.

Food and drink

Once you have decided on your venue, you can start thinking about food and drink. The venue will probably supply both, but you will need to work out a menu and make sure that it caters for everyone. If the venue doesn’t provide catering, you will have to find out if you can take your own food in. In this case, you can get friends to help out with the cooking or use a caterer.

Watching your budget

Will there be free drinks all night or are you going to put a certain amount behind the bar? Think about your budget and how far it will stretch. Drinks will be the most expensive part of your party. Can family and friends chip in? Or is the first drink free and people pay after? You might be able to do a deal with the venue owner for a food and drink package that will please everyone.

Decorations and themes

Don’t forget the decorations! You’ll need banners and balloons to liven up the party area. You can get these easily on the High Street or order online. If you are feeling creative, you can also make them yourself. Invitations will need to be sent out unless you want to do it verbally to keep it more secret. Make sure that everyone knows that it is a surprise and not to give anything away.

Having a dress code

Do you want to use a theme or fancy dress? Have a think about that when planning your party. You can always use party hats and printed t-shirts that are easy for people to slip on once they get to the venue including your birthday person.

Getting there and getting home

When you have all that worked out, the last thing you have to do is work out how you are going to get them there and home safely again at the end of the evening. Plan taxis well in advance or have a designated driver. Enjoy your night!

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